Average Girl Vs Pretty Girl: Who Is Better?

Normal Girl vs Beauty Blogger Funny Video Naina Arora YouTube
Normal Girl vs Beauty Blogger Funny Video Naina Arora YouTube from www.youtube.com

The Different between Average Girl and Pretty Girl

Most people have heard the phrase “pretty is as pretty does”, but what does this mean in terms of average girl vs pretty girl? In terms of physical beauty, a pretty girl has features that are more attractive than that of an average girl. This can mean anything from having symmetrical facial features, to having a certain eye color, to having smooth, clear skin. Pretty girls also often have an aura of confidence and charisma that average girls may lack.

On the other hand, average girls are not necessarily unattractive, but they just don’t have the same level of physical beauty as pretty girls. Average girls may have some attractive features, but they may also have some features that are not as attractive. Average girls may have a unique look that sets them apart, but they also typically lack the same level of confidence and charisma that pretty girls have.

The Benefits of Being Pretty

Pretty girls often have an advantage in the world for many reasons. For one, people may be more likely to approach pretty girls because of their physical beauty. People may be more likely to talk to them, listen to them, and take their opinions seriously. Pretty girls may also be more likely to gain access to certain social circles and opportunities because of their looks. In short, people often give pretty girls more attention and respect than average girls.

In addition, pretty girls may be more successful in their careers because of their looks. People may be more likely to hire them or promote them because of their physical beauty. Pretty girls may also be viewed as more trustworthy and reliable than their average-looking counterparts. This can be beneficial in terms of job security and advancement.

The Benefits of Being Average

While pretty girls may have some advantages, being an average girl can also have its benefits. For one, average girls may be more likely to blend in and be left alone. This can be beneficial in terms of not being harassed or teased because of one’s looks. Average girls may also be more likely to be judged on their character and personality, rather than their looks.

In addition, average girls may be more likely to develop meaningful relationships with people because they are not judged solely on their looks. People may be more likely to get to know an average girl for who she is, rather than how she looks. This can lead to more meaningful and fulfilling relationships.


The debate of average girl vs pretty girl is a difficult one to answer definitively. Both types of girls have their own unique benefits and drawbacks. On the one hand, pretty girls may have more advantages in terms of physical beauty and confidence, while average girls may have more meaningful relationships and less harassment. Ultimately, it’s up to the individual to decide which type of girl they prefer.


1. “The Different between Average Girl and Pretty Girl”. Pretty Girls. Accessed June 16, 2023. https://prettygirls.org/difference-average-girl-pretty-girl/

2. “The Benefits of Being Pretty”. Pretty Girls. Accessed June 16, 2023. https://prettygirls.org/benefits-of-being-pretty/

3. “The Benefits of Being Average”. Pretty Girls. Accessed June 16, 2023. https://prettygirls.org/benefits-of-being-average/

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